2019 Central Florida Police K9 Competition Rules and Regulations

All K9 Teams must be pre-registered with the Central Florida Police K9 All K9 Teams must be pre-registered with the Central Florida Police K9 Competition to participate in the event. Competition will be limited to the first 30 pre-registered K9 Teams. Fill the attached registration form and return via email to Lt. Walton and CC K-9 Officer Joe Bologna as a backup. Emails are listed on the competition flyer.

All K9 Teams will compete in normal working attire and equipment to include: Duty Uniform, Body Armor, Duty Belt, and Boots.(No Firearms or Ammunition Allowed on the competition course)

The K9 can wear whatever equipment is used to deploy during normal deployments. (Flat Collar, Pinch Collar, E-Collar, or Harness).

A pre-determined running order will be posted prior to the beginning of the competition. Any changes to the running order must be approved by the Lead Judge.

All K9 Teams will park in a designated area with no access to the public. Security will be present in this area.

There will be a minimum of 3 judges including the lead judge. All judges will be current or former K9 Handlers.

There will also be Firearms instructors responsible for the simunition’s and safety of the simunition’s portion of the competition.

Penalties will be assessed as described in the competition Rules and Regulations. Any discrepancies will be handled by the lead judge.

The competition is a timed event. Time will be kept bya dedicated time keeper. At the end of a K9 teams run both times will be compared and the lessor time will be used. In the event of a tie, the team with the less penalties will be the winner.

Obstacles will be set up behind the Oviedo Police Department for anyone wishing to practice on them. The obstacles are not in any specific order.
Please give one of the handlers or the supervisor listed below a curtesy call that you will be using the obstacle course. We can also let you know if there are any issues with the obstacles or the grass field.

Remember, not all stations have an obstacle to negotiate. For example; the K-9 carry just requires you to pick up and carry your dog. There is no setup at our P.D. for this. Practice this on your own.

Teams may bring their own decoy for the running of the course and the fastest dog competition. If they are participating in the Hardest Hitting competition the decoy will be provided by us in order to keep the judging of the dogs simple and fair.

K9 Officer Dave Capetillo - 407-494-7873
K9 Officer Joe Bologna - 407-538-2754
Deputy Chief Heather Capetillo – 407 971-5713